Friday, May 29, 2009

His Grace is Sufficient

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." 2 Cor. 12:9

Last week only Christina and I met because Janet had to work that day. We decided to set our Galations study aside until Janet was with us so that we were all on the same page. Instead, we decided to focus on trusting God with EVERYTHING in our lives and allowing His grace to be sufficient for us. As Christina and I shared different events in our lives, both past and present, we started asking ourselves if we truly let God have control of every aspect of our lives or if we pick and choose the things we think we can let go of. No matter how long a person has been a Christian or how mature one is in their faith, giving every single aspect of one's life completely over to God is not an easy task. Why do we do this? Life can be so much easier if we didn't try to control it all the time. This then lead us over to the Old Testament in Proverbs 3:5-8. Verse 5 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding." When we try to control things is when situations usually fall apart because we don't have the bigger picture, only God does. The scripture goes on to say that when we surrender all to God and turn to Him, "it will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones." Amen! I shared with Christina a story I had recently heard that reminds me that if I don't surrender to God's will, He will start making things uncomfortable for me until I'm obedient. The story is of a mother eagle that creates a soft, cozy nest for her little babies. She makes the nest as comfortable as possible while the babies grow and gain strength. Sometimes, though, some of the babies get too comfortable and don't want to leave their place of safety and comfort. The baby eagles won't learn anything if they stay in the comfort of the nest, so the mother eagle begins to slowly take away the comfort of the nest until the nest becomes thorny and uncomfortable to the point that the babies want to get out. I know God has done that several times in my life. He has had to make my "nest" uncomfortable and thorny in order for me to step out of my comfort zone and take flight in the new adventure He has for me, which is always so incredible that I often wonder why I resisted the change in the first place.

Now for the coffee shop. We went to Corner Bakery in Glendora. This is always a favorite of mine! They have delicious breakfast, teas, coffee, baked items and so much more. Christina and I both ordered scramblers, which were delicious. I give Corner Bakery 2 thumbs up!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sad :( I think we should go there again.
